Sevilla -
Sevilla -
Siviglia -
Sevilla -
Seville -
Save the Cordoba Mosque: The Catholic church in Spain has been exploiting to it's financial advantage the World Heritage Site of the Cordoba Mosque (Mezquita) for decades. They now even pretend to turn this public site into church estate. They actually have already banned the term Mezquita (Mosque) to impose religious monopoly, while the Mezquita is actually one of the few great universal paradigms of harmony between cultures (main reason why it was declared World Heritage in the first place). Public pressure is needed towards the government of Andalusia to keep this monument as public property instead of loosing it to private, christian dominion.
to save unspoiled nature from destruction by mindless speculation
and construction
WWF World Wide Fund for nature
WWF's ultimate goal is
build a future where people live
in harmony with nature.
Médecins Sans Frontières (
Independency Project
in search for a better society
(first eradicate Tax Havens)
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Costa de la LuzHotels in Sanlucar de Barrameda >>>
Sanlúcar de Barrameda is one of Spain's three better-known sherry-producing towns (being Cadiz and Jerez de la Frontera, after which sherry is named the other two). Many wine-lovers enjoy visiting its cellars.
A centric square in Sanlucar de Barrameda
A seaside town, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, is also home to the oldest horse races in Spain and some of the oldest in Europe. The races take place, just before sunset, along the beach at the mouth of the river Guadalquivir every August within sight of thousands of spectators. Contested at distances of 1500 m and 1800m, these were the first-ever regulated horse races in Spain. Riders wear distinctive colours and caps.
Horse races on the beach in Sanlucar de Barrameda
The city also has a large number of monuments and sites of historical interest, such as the castle of Santiago, from the 15th century; the palace of the Infantes of Orleans and Borbón, which is now used as the City Hall; the Church of Nuestra Señora de la O; the palace of the dukes of Sidonia, which now houses the municipal archives; and the Convent of Santo Domingo, a 16th-century building.
Near the port of Sanlucar de Barrameda, Costa de la Luz |
This item:
Photos of the province of Cadiz - Andalusia, Spain.
All photos from Andalusia, Spain >>>
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Granada - Cordoba - Malaga - Cadiz - Ronda | Costa de la Luz - Costa del SOL - Costa Tropical | Madrid - Barcelona
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