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Pilates house - SevilleIt constitutes one of the best example of the noble´s sevillan residence of the 16c. The construction of this building started at the of the 15c, carried out by Don Pedro Enriquez, the mayor of Andalucía and his wife Doña Catalina de Rivera. His son of both, Don Enríquez de Rivera, first marquis of Tarifa, after a trip to Holy Land, Kept on the enlargement of initial part thanks to the annexe houses bought. The successor of this, Per Afán of Ribera, viceroy of Nápoles, gave to the building its distinguished artistic human touch.
The name of the palace has a relation with the trip of Don Fabrique; It was said that the sevillan building copied The prethorium of Poncio Pilatos in Jerusalem, coinciding, therefore, in the 6th season of Vía Crucis-xto, in the prethorium which ended in the cross of the Land, origin of the Holy Week of Seville as collective organization.
You can access the place trought a splendid renaissance doorway done in 1529 by Antonio María of Aprile, the breastwork of gothic trasery which completes the cornice of the façade gives us an ideas of the fusion of style which characterises all the monument. After crossing the Hall you will reach the central patio, Whose classicist composition,reinforced by the presence of the magnificent statues, combines admirably with the Mudéjar ornementation which covers the archeries.The wide archaeological collection gives to the patio an esthetic quality which is difficult to reach for these latitudes.The collection of sculptures has its origin in the desire of the collector of Per Afán, who employed the architect Benvenuto Tortello to dispose a place for his classic effigies.
In this patio you can admire an Atenas which is believed to be originally greek from 5th c b.c;besides, there is a splendid collection of classic busts which decorate the gallery and a spacious central fountain, completed by a two-faced bust of Jano.
Residence of the duques of Medinaceli and Alcalá Sumptuous palace carried out by Don fabrique Enriquez after his return from Jerusalem in 1519.Among the numeruous elements, you admire the doorway and the columns and the fountain of the central patio, dones by Antonio María Aprile Carona y Pace Grazzini.In the patio, twenty- four busts of the roman emperors ara exhibited and the busts of Charles v and Ciceron.In the Pilatos square, the sevillans initiate the Vía Crucis to the Humilladero of the Cruz del Campo, praying the first season from the steps of the palace and covering the distance,supposedly, between the remains of the prethorium and the Golgota hill in Jerusalem. In the square, there are two high canarian palm trees and in the centre a modern monument to the painter Zurbarán.
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Other important monuments in Seville:
Big gardenOrientated the north. It´s luxiuriant and shady.It originally belongs to the palace. In 1850, a new and definitive touch was given respecting some former plants such as an old magnolia. The space was divided into eleven symmetrical squares around the fountain, together with the four benches it war covered by a magnificent pergola today occupied by rambler rosetrees. Among the plants we can distinguish a marvellous jasmine of Madagascar, quite seldom in the city.
Small gardenDesigned at the beginning of this century, some ancient building were pulled down.Despite its modernity it conserves a renaissance touch with Mudejar characteristics which combines very well with the building.
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